Well today has been a typical busy Saturday, I love work when it's busy and really jumping. The energy of the kitchen is really tangible and generates a kind of group focus.
The come down is hard though, my body relaxes and starts to ache. Normally this is not a problem but this evening I was in a BTA.
Rant on.
What's a BTA? A Buggy Traffic Accident, except this was no accident. Let's be perfectly clear here, as I cued up for the buss and patiently went to get on it. A young and moronic mother decided she was the most important creature on this planet, I was in her way.
So she proceeded to slam into the back of my feet while muttering how thoughtless I was, for how could I dare step onto a buss in front of her?
After all, I was only before her in the line and I did not have the one thing that must define her as a person, that one achievement in her life that makes her feel like a person.
A child.
My thoughts are these; Just because you managed to get a man to sleep with you (this is not difficult) and reproduce your DNA does not make you a higher being. Now I could start to rant about teenagers becoming parents before they know what being an adult even means but I realize that there are some great young parents and it's not my goal to bash you.
You can be in your late forties and be a crap parent. There is nothing more boring than someone that goes on and on about their child. Honestly we smile and nod but are bored beyond words.
Other people's children are boring, end of.
Sometimes our own are too...
Anyway, back on point. You have a buggy, don't hit me with it or I shall eat your precious child alive, right in front of you. Well perhaps not but self important buggy pushers, especially on buses are like poison to me.
Rant off.
On the poetry front I have been playing with some dark disturbing poems, it's not usually my style to dabble in morbid or dark poetry but what I am working on is looking good. I'll start posting them soon and see how people receive them.
Anyway better get some sleep, should be busy tomorrow.
Blessed be, sleep well.
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