Well a couple of people have asked just who is Morrigan. Well I thought I would address this. First up, I'm a Witch.
No I don't own a broom or a black pointed hat, I do have a cat but he is black and white so not quite right.
So what the hell is a Witch? I follow the seasons and try to be as in tune with nature as possible, living in a city makes this a challenge but I get by. I live to a very strict moral code and make a point to not harm others through action or thought.
Do I cast spells? Well yes, but I won't go into that just yet. Another time perhaps.
As for Morrigan, she is a focus. A personification of nature and a place I draw motivation from. Like self affirmation, faith or even self help.
As for Morrigan as a Goddess, she is a Celtic deity with ancient roots. I'll post some info about her when I have a touch more time.
It should be noted I don't think I can fly, make people fall in love with me. Or even curse people or make animals die with a flick of my wrist. That's all Hollywood and silliness.
As for today, it's been another challenge. People did not respond today, I lost my temper three times. That's more times in one day than I can remember. How hard can it be to put stickers on things?
It's not, no really, it's simple.
Let's hope tomorrow is better eh?
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