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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Core of the problem 21/09/2010

Well last night I ran the Final Fantasy XIV benchmark test, to be able to get the game running at a good clip I needed a score of about 3000. My computer seems to play games at a semi decent speed so I figured it would not be a problem, I was wrong.

My score was a pathetic 600. Honestly I was shocked, I have a decent graphics card and 3 Gig of ram. The problem was something else, something I had completely forgotten about.

My CPU, this computer is about five years old and I have upgraded the graphics card and the ram but the CPU is the same one it shipped with. A single core, I should have been more mindful of it. The cut scenes in Star Craft II where slow and I had to turn down the quality of them.

So the question now is, how can I upgrade my computer or indeed get a new one. Seeing as the Church mouse has more cash than me!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

I'm cheating on my wife with an older women. 18/09/2010

Well today has been frankly run of the mill. A normal shift at work leading into a nice peaceful evening with my wife. Although the chinese was especially good, Golden Sands near where I live is a great chinese, thier lemon chicken is to die for. Well perhaps not die, maybe a touch of mild danger would suffice?

Oh yes, the cheating on my wife thing? Oh i'm currently watching Bleech series 1 and really getting into it. I'm avaraging about five episodes a day, so when I say I am cheating on my wife, it's to watch bleech. The older women is Rukia Kuchiki a charater from the show, she is about oh a hundred and fifty years old. Currently she is my favorate charater.

I like the complexity of her charater and how she struggles to understand humans, i'd go into more but will leave that for another time. Try googling Bleech and Rukia Kuchiki if you are interested.

Anyway I don't really have much else to say this evening, other than I have World of Warcraft Special Edition on Order! Also I am trying to get my hands on Final Fantasy XVI. Also tomorrow is the last day at work before my two week holiday, awsome.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Pyjama plans 16/09/2010

So with a holiday coming up soon I have been considering what to do with it, I do have a few creative plans on the go but I also intend on spending a couple of days doing absolutely nothing.

A day in pyjamas, now that could well be what I need. No stress, no targets just a time of peace and perhaps even meditation if I can quieten myself enough. Thinking about this I was walking to the off licence to grab something to drink. A girl, well woman was waiting outside and she must have had the same idea I had. I make this assumption only because she was dressed in nothing but a very loose, slightly grubby, never touched by heated iron pair of pyjamas.

I'm by no means a prude in any sense of the word, I do however have a sense of self respect. I would never leave the house wearing only pyjamas and slippers, even if I was Megan Fox's twin. This women was certainly not either, that however is not the point. I do not wish to see the silhouetted form of a women that looks like she just dragged herself out of a rubbish bin.

I realize this "look" is not a new one but when did the first girl get up and decide that looking like she had been scraped off a brothel's floor was the look for today? I often try to wear things that are strange, a tie with no shirt, pagan jewelry and will soon be painting on my shirts. However, my clothing is always clean, ironed and at least hides the less appealing aspects of my form.

Besides this today has been an OK day, didn't get much done at all. Over my two weeks off I hope to get my web comic off the ground.

Oh on a side note, I don't find Megan Fox attractive at all. I'm a Jennifer Love Hewitt kind of man.

Friday, 10 September 2010

New writing position 10/09/2010

Today has been a quiet day, a standard shift really. It should be noted I do enjoy my job, honestly I didn't anticipate that when I first got it. I suspect that is down to the people I work with.

I won't bore you with a tale of shift management.

In other news I have been offered a position to write video game reviews for Twenteen the zeen for inbetween's. This zeen, both electronic and printed is an exciting new publication with an incredible scope for potential and I am excited to be part of it.

I fully intend to attend gaming premiers and midnight openings, one on the horizon is The World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm. As an avid gamer the prospect of writing about something I love is bliss. I'll have to pitch my tent in London's Oxford street and take my phone to record any interviews I manage to get.

My quote of the day is this; picture the scene.
you walk into the Office to see your boss sitting on the desk dressed from top to toe in black, looking much like Death's bank manager. His trousers, shirt even his tie have no detail at all just a clean sharp black. I catch the latter half of what he is saying.
"you don't want an early grave, graves really are six feet deep too, my arms aren't that long so I'd be clambering at the mud to get out."

Alright it's not a direct quote, a touch of ad lib there. But it was the most surreal thing to walk in on this year!

Twenteen's link, check it out. No really, do it now
Twenteen the zeen for inbetweens

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Burning of books, hysteria and calm.

So, the news has been dominated by the announcement of an American Pastor Terry Jones that 09/09/2010 would be "national burn a Koran day". I can only deduce that this is an attempt to sensationalize his own church ( of which there are about fifty members) and in doing so gain a bigger following.

I could be wrong but I thought it was spelt Quaran, as that is closer to Arabic. Feel free to comment and correct me if I am off target on that one, I truly would like to know.

I think the point that stuck for me about this whole issue is that its one small man with a small congregation, with this in mind how then is it possible that this whole issue has gone Global? I can only think that we live in a world that takes offence at every small thing a person says or threatens to do. Let's be clear about this though, I do not condone or think that burning a holy book is an acceptable act, I don't think any book should be burned.

The problem is that by reacting to this with outcry, shock, and Global disgust is exactly what Pastor Tony Jones wants, we get him publicity and his actions are then given power. This man's objective is to spread hate, in this I am convinced. It matters not which direction the hatred travels, whether from non Muslims to Muslims or from Muslims to non Muslims.

I myself have been on the receiving end of hatred or rather fear due to my being a Witch and where as most Wiccans (Witches) believe that you should do no harm, this includes to yourself. I do believe in defending myself and would. I do have a sharp sarcastic tongue, ask some of my work colleagues.

So where am I going with this? Well, I really think that perhaps ten years ago this Pastor would have received no media attention at all. The world has become information, in an age that anyone can pick up keyboard and receive thousands of views online, who can we trust to decide what and who gets seen and read?
There is only one answer, a tricky, hard and not a nice easy one. We as a Global entity, we as humans on this world. It is up to us to read as much as we can, to listen to all that have things to say and make our own minds up.
The key here is to think, to take in as much knowledge as possible and formulate our own opinion. And there is the hard part, then we have to accept that other people will have different ideas and opinions, so then we must respect their right to think.

We must never oppress or try to control a person's will to think and learn, be that through a religion, political state or social position.
Also, and this is important, learn to spot the people who want only to spread hate. There is only one way to defeat them, do not give their hate power. Do not act against them with hate, moreover, pity them.
After all, their lives must be full of fear and sadness.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Rock stupid. 06/09/2010

Today's blog is brought to you by the letter S for stupid and the number 6, a low IQ.
I won't use the whole blog to bitch, I doubt that would be interesting.

However, I finally relented and accepted the fact that some people are rock stupid. Truly, the sheer lack of innovation, intuitive and general common sense is staggering. I hate to give up on a person, I have always felt that everyone has the potential to shine at a given activity, but this person is without doubt missing a whole toolbox of equipment.

I'm hardly the most sane person alive but this is the first time I have wanted to slam my face into the office desk until the world goes a gooey red colour. Goddess willing I won't have this person on my shifts anymore.

On the up side I had a great idea for a poem that incorporates paint and drawing styles, I'll start work on it on Thursday and really get lost in it's creation. I may even Vlog its creation, it's been too long since I edited a video.

So its goodnight from me and remember, as Holly once said "An IQ of six? That's a poor IQ for a glass of water."

Friday, 3 September 2010

A touch more clarity 03/09/2010

Well a couple of people have asked just who is Morrigan. Well I thought I would address this. First up, I'm a Witch.
No I don't own a broom or a black pointed hat, I do have a cat but he is black and white so not quite right.
So what the hell is a Witch? I follow the seasons and try to be as in tune with nature as possible, living in a city makes this a challenge but I get by. I live to a very strict moral code and make a point to not harm others through action or thought.

Do I cast spells? Well yes, but I won't go into that just yet. Another time perhaps.
As for Morrigan, she is a focus. A personification of nature and a place I draw motivation from. Like self affirmation, faith or even self help.
As for Morrigan as a Goddess, she is a Celtic deity with ancient roots. I'll post some info about her when I have a touch more time.

It should be noted I don't think I can fly, make people fall in love with me. Or even curse people or make animals die with a flick of my wrist. That's all Hollywood and silliness.

As for today, it's been another challenge. People did not respond today, I lost my temper three times. That's more times in one day than I can remember. How hard can it be to put stickers on things?
It's not, no really, it's simple.
Let's hope tomorrow is better eh?

Thursday, 2 September 2010

No time for thoughts, busy busy 20/09/2010

Today was a frustrating one, work just didn't seem to gel. We were busy mind you and it seems some are not as committed as others, that however is another story.
Was thinking about dying my hair today, not sure why. Perhaps a line of black, or the tip a bright red. It's not something I have considered before. Any ideas feel free to comment them to me!
A dead day for the creation of poetry, only one sprang up out of the addled madness that is my mind. The poem is a rewrite of one I had done for my Degree, A touch of pacing a few cuts and I am happy with it.
I'll be getting up at six tomorrow morning so I shall bid you all goodnight, poem to follow.

Four Seasons
I'm gripped by the event that unfolds
A chance to preform for a captured croud
Snipping shocks twitch my system
Shaking my words
Perceaved nervousness
But this is my art and I splash you with paint
You give it meaning my spring lovers
Warm and heady I'm in it now
Animal fuzz wreathes me
Heart Still pounding
Better than sex
I'm in your mind
Take it in
This narcotic lyrical shot
This moment you are my summer
Groups getting colder
It can't be maintained
Is that guy getting bored?
The leaves of your faces are turning brown
Birds mocking birds
I'll be mocked in Autumn
Damn its cold in here
The snow of your bordom chills me
I've gone on too long
Her poem was better than mine
Fucking call myself a poet
My amateur lines arne't convincing these masters
Your winter robbed me
Maybe next summer.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

A quiet day, thinking about art. 02/09/2010

Today has been a relaxing experience, spent in the company of my wife. I can honestly say there are few things I enjoy as much. Perhaps it's because I am in essence a simple person, by that I mean the things that give me peace are simple ones.
The things that torment me though, those are many and complex. Let's leave them for another time eh? A short time by the Thames river with a thermos of hot chocolate and rolls was by far the highlight of the day. I realize that to most that might seem a touch pedestrian or boring, but these things have always been high on my peace list.
I did have to go into work though, apparently one of the keys has broken or been lost. This turned out to be a good excuse to leave the house and have some time in the night.
While in Tesco I had a peek at all the dark fantasy books for sale, Twilight etc. I really think I could write this kind of fiction without much of a problem. Something prevents me from doing so, my wife thinks it's because I get distracted by other things. Gaming.
She maybe right.
I'm thinking about painting again, thinking. Always thinking and not acting, been this way as long as I can remember.
See this is the thing, my muse is a tormenting cow, she demands I work for an audience. Even if none exists. She also taunts me, a lot. I'll include a mixed media piece I did and committed to video.
Anyway back to my muse, I'm getting very suspicious about her. I have a feeling she is Morrigan The goddess I path work with. If this is the case, things are hard for a reason. Morrigan demands action and swift defining decisions.
Anyway, I have decided that I should commune with Morrigan and see if she will come to me in my dreams, perhaps She can break the block on creation I have.